Dental Hygiene and Teeth Whitening
Dental Hygienist in Orthodontic practice
Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances must pay increased attention and special care of their teeth.
The presence of fixed orthodontic appliances increases the accumulation of dental microbial coating on the front surfaces of teeth and can cause inflammation of periodontal tissue or demineralization “white” spots on the enamel. Risk of demineralization of the enamel surface or risk of damage to periodontal tissues during orthodontic treatment can be eliminated by careful and thorough oral hygiene. Highly recommended are regular hygiene instruction and motivation of patients, regular checks of oral hygiene and professional cleaning, providing dietary counseling and application of antibacterial agents.
About all these tasks in our office takes care dental hygienist, which helps keep our patients throughout the treatment healthy teeth without coatings, caries and gingivitis.
Job Description dental hygienist in our practice:
1. Motivation
2. Training
3. Professional removal of coating, pigmentation and tartar
4. Removing fixed appliances and fabrication of fixed retainers
5. After orthodontic treatment – tooth whitening
– inserting dental jewelry
Continuous motivation is the way to the overall success of orthodontic treatment and of great importance in this is work of dental hygienist.
Training is done individually with the patient first on dental casts, then directly in his mouth.
The main task of the dental hygienist in our surgery is professional removal of coatings and tartar, which arises in places, where settles plaque and it is not well cleaned with a toothbrush. Often around such places is inflammation. The tartar can accumulate above and below the gums (around orthodontic mansions), and if not removed, can act as one of the main causes of gum disease (periodontal).
Dental Hygienist also performs local fluoridation of teeth.